E-Newsletter : Issue #053 September 2012

Bilbao by Lino Tagliapietra
26.5" x 11" x 9"

L’viv #2
by Marvin Lipofsky
8.5" x 18.5" x 18"
Copper Duo lithograph by Dale Chihuly
27″ x 35″

Koi Sunset by Charles Miner
15" x 20" x 4"
Aladdin Top by Nancy Callan
11.5" x 18" x 12.5"
September 2012
Holsten Galleries
Note from Kenn Holsten
Greetings! I hope the early fall weather is as nice where you live as it is in Santa Fe this year. My wife Christine and I are just back from a very enjoyable vacation in the south of France. I’ve been adding a lot of new pieces to my website this week, including the works featured in this message. I’d love to hear from you with any thoughts or questions you might have!
Featured Works
Bilbao by Lino Tagliapietra
Lino Tagliapietra’s “Bilbao” series has long been one of my favorites and this new piece is no exception. I love the colors, the form and the canework. The wavy cutting in the amber center is more abstract than much of the surface engraving that we normally see in the Maestro’s work.
L’viv #2 by Marvin Lipofsky
I caught up with Marvin Liposfky today and we decided to feature this remarkable 2-part glass sculpture. I love the organic, fluid form and the colors are also remarkable. The slight separation of the two elements creates a dynamic tension which adds to the appeal of this piece.
Copper Duo by Dale Chihuly
Here is the latest of Chihuly’s lithographs. Most of Dale’s prints and drawings are inspired by one or another of his glass series and in this case the reference is to his Ikebana series. The fluidity of the liquid acrylics used in his drawings is evident here and the vertical signature in silver on the left is an interesting design touch.
Koi Sunset by Charles Miner
I visited Charles Miner’s studio a few days ago. Charlie lives right here outside Santa Fe just a few miles down the road. It was good to catch up with Charlie and to see some of his new work. I particularly liked this piece called “Koi Sunset.” Pardon the candid image which I took while I was there.
Aladdin Top by Nancy Callan
One of my favorite series by Nancy Callan is her “Top” series. Often pieces in this series are very bright and boldly colored. This new one called “Aladdin Top” does not fit into that category. The colors are subtle, deep and very rich. To me it has a regal quality and the title adds a dimension of magic.
Kenn Holsten
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