E-Newsletter : Issue #193 August 2023 – Beautiful Glass Art

August 2023

Holsten Galleries newsletter


Note from Kenn Holsten

Greetings! I hope you and your families have had a good summer. Here in the Southwest it has been extremely hot and dry and we are happy to report that some cooler moist weather is now beginning. I have chosen some beautiful glass art to share with you in this edition of Holsten Galleries news. I look forward to hearing any comments or questions you might have.

Quote of the Month

"If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.."

– Marc Chagall

Featured Works



by Lino Tagliapietra

I love the subtle color palette of Lino’s "Travertino" piece. The form of this piece is typical of many of Lino’s works but this combination of colors is one I’ve not seen before. The cane work is particularly striking.

Travertino by Lino Tagliapietra, 26.5 x 16.5 x 8.5"


Luring Tempestuous Tickler by Stephen Powell, 5.5 x 22.25 x 22.25″

Luring Tempestuous Tickler
by Stephen Powell

The vast majority of Stephen Powell’s glass sculptures are vessel forms. This handsome piece is in a smaller series Stephen did in a more traditional platter form. I love the intensity of the colors here and the murrini which are smaller and more subtle than in the larger vessel pieces.



by Alex Bernstein

North Carolina artist Alex Bernstein recently completed this stunning grouping and it is now installed at a children’s mental health facility in Virginia. This is Alex’s largest and most colorful installation to date. Smaller installations are available by commission and similar individual works are also available.

Installation by Alex Bernstein


Classic Moves by Harry Pollitt, 18 x 10″


Classic Moves
by Harry Pollitt

Harry Pollitt is an artist and friend from right here in Santa Fe. Originally his organic sculptures were created in wood and ten years or so ago he began working in glass. I particularly like the fluidity of his cast forms and their satin like finish.


Strawberry Lemonade Cloud

by Nancy Callan

Seattle artist Nancy Callan just photographed a new piece from her Cloud Mini series. As in most of Nancy’s work, this piece is playful and upbeat. I find it delightful and am happy to share it with you.

Strawberry Lemonade Cloud by Nancy Callan, 7.5 x 10.5 x 6″



Thanks for taking part of your day to enjoy some great glass art. I look forward to hearing your comments and questions. Be well and stay in touch.

Kenn Holsten

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